Lectors play an integral part of the Mass by proclaiming Sacred Scripture (excluding the Gospel). The Latin word Lector comes means reader. Being a lector means more involvement in the liturgy and a closer relationship to the scripture. Their commitment to the life of the church helps parishioners enjoy a richer experience of the Holy Mass. This ministry is conferred to them by saying, “take this book of Holy Scripture and be faithful in handing on the Word of God, so that it may grow strong in the hearts of His people”. I am proud of our lectors who believe that Sacred Scripture is the Word of God and have a deep respect for God’s presence in that Word. We are looking forward to adding more people into this important ministry both adult and youth. Richard Burg, Larry Braun, Barbara Cheslock, Rosemary Cassese, Michele DeSanto, Pam & John Flanagan, MM Tom Gill, Lilian Henandez, Tom Kenny, Paul Kraus, Ellen Lentini, Kathleen P.O'Grady, Joseph Panarelli, Michael Pinto, Joan Renner, Margret Sandy, Ruth Stapleton and Kevin Stolz.
If you would like to be a lector, call Richard at (516) 822-0046 or fill in the Contact Form below.
If you would like to be a lector, call Richard at (516) 822-0046 or fill in the Contact Form below.