Public Mass
25% of church seating will be permitted for public Mass. This will permit safe social distancing. Families may sit together at Mass. Public Mass will resume on Saturday 13 June at the 9:00am Mass. Followed by the 5:00pm Mass later in the day.
Mass on Sunday for now will be 7:30am, 9:30am, 12:00Noon
Mass in Spanish La Misa Español-TBA
Mass on Sunday for now will be 7:30am, 9:30am, 12:00Noon
Mass in Spanish La Misa Español-TBA
- Please bring a mask or other form of face covering.
- The bishop still dispenses all the faithful from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass.
- Anyone who is sick or vulnerable due to age or other health conditions are strongly encouraged to remain at home and watch the Sunday Mass on television.
- Holy Communion will not be distributed at Mass at this time.
- Social distancing requires we do not congregate before or after Mass in the lobby, office areas or church building. It will be safe to gather or greet others in an open area outside the building with 6 foot distancing....after Mass.
- We ask that you follow the arrows in and out of church. Certain doors will be marked entrance and other doors exits
- The Sign of Peace or other greetings will not be exchanged.
- Please wear a mask and maintain social distancing. We are getting closer and closer to Sunday Mass. Stay hopeful. I pray it will be soon!
Confessions will take place Saturdays, 3:30pm-4:30pm in the Old School Building. Confessions will be in two locations:classrooms 1 & 2.
A barrier/screen and 6 foot distance will be observed. All must wear face masks.
A barrier/screen and 6 foot distance will be observed. All must wear face masks.
Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals
Baptisms, weddings, and funerals are permitted as long as the church does not exceed 25% capacity.