Evangelization is our mission in the Church. It is the mission Jesus gave us when He said, “Go and make disciples of every nation…” (Matt. 28:19).
If we have been baptized into the Body of Christ, and given the Holy Spirit to share in Christ’s mission, we must do what He did: seek out the lost, gather people together, and share the good news of salvation. At the end of Mass, we are sent forth like the Apostles: “Go, and proclaim the Gospel
with your life.”
The spiritual and corporal works of mercy also embody this call. The Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) is an opportunity to support the ministries that help us as we build up the Body of Christ.
If we have been baptized into the Body of Christ, and given the Holy Spirit to share in Christ’s mission, we must do what He did: seek out the lost, gather people together, and share the good news of salvation. At the end of Mass, we are sent forth like the Apostles: “Go, and proclaim the Gospel
with your life.”
The spiritual and corporal works of mercy also embody this call. The Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) is an opportunity to support the ministries that help us as we build up the Body of Christ.